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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Hickory Dickory…Balls

They want to judge our yield by the hours,

manipulate our country’s labour laws and

wind us up like a grandfather clock,

thinking it can shape our nation’s growth.

They want to tweak our working hours,

from seventy to ninety or hundred a week and

hold our life by the bloody balls, 

thinking it can shape our nation’s growth.

They want to corral us and drive us hard,

make us pitch in day and night and 

deny us our basic human rights,

thinking it can shape our nation’s growth.

They want to pay us less to cut the costs,

choke us all in a stranglehold and

turn us all into the living dead,

thinking it can shape our nation’s growth.

They want to deny us the intimacy of conjugal bliss, 

the warmth of our family time over tea and chips and 

the mirth of a tipple at the local pub,

thinking it can shape our nation’s growth.

These douchebags lead joyless and constipated lives,

complete with repressed emotions and forced self-denials, and

these convoluted ideas ooze out of 

their rear-ends to snuff out a nation’s life. 

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