I am a jack of all trades, passionate by nature with varied interests and an alumnus of St. John De Britto Anglo-Indian Boys High School, Fort Cochin. After a not-so-brief stint of 20 years and an honourable discharge on completion of my terms of engagement from the Indian Air Force, I worked in the Hotel Industry for a year, spend another six in the Advertising Industry and then crunched numbers at the O/o the Principal Accountant General (A&E) Park House Road, Bangalore for another 10 years. I was indeed blessed to have met and interacted with lot of people who influenced my life in many different ways. As of now, I've pitched tent at Bangalore and lead a quiet life pursuing my ever-changing interests. Life has been an interesting journey so far by the Grace of my Lord Shree Vishnumaya. My love and best wishes to all of you.