It happened by chance,
for between the query,
and the point of sale,
there were many goof-ups,
besides the waste of time.
Courtesy – an inept salesman,
and our many lingos.
Yet she patiently persisted,
for her need was urgent,
and the computer Shoppe,
was the only one around,
that’s when I intervened,
to make the task easier,
for her and the salesman.
“You a techie?” she asked,
as she waited for the bill.
”An underpaid writer,” I replied.
“What about you,” I asked.
“Pursuing my M Tech” she said.
”What do you write?” she asked,
” Just about anything,” I parried.
“Pick a topic,” I teased,
she tried but gave up .
“Can you write about me,”
she asked with a smile.
I nod ‘n’ wished I was younger,
by a quarter of a C or more;
as I reflected, clients drop-in.
Magic’s lost, moment’s broken,
she stepped out and so did I.
we bid each other no adieu,
and just melted into the crowd,
to become strangers once again.
Yet I had a word to keep,
and finish what I
This here is to the comely one...,
What I saw when you walked in,
was brains and a sense of poise,
focus and a tad of prudence,
the more we spoke, I understood,
that before me was the reflection,
of my nation’s future… its hope.